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Date(s) - 03/20/2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Well Bellies & Babies

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This workshop provides the opportunity to learn techniques to therapeutically touch your baby that help to support bonding, improve sleep patterns, decrease colic/reflux symptoms, & overall development. The class also incorporates gentle rhythmic movements to promote connection between your baby’s brain & body for healthy development.
Various therapeutic play positions are also covered including tummy time, rolling techniques, & upright sitting activities. The class also serves as an amazing support circle for mothers to connect & inspire one another throughout their baby’s first months of life.
This Circle is offered by a pediatric Physical Therapist specialized in infant development with certifications in Infant Massage, CFT & Primitive Reflex Integration.
Babies ranging from 2 weeks to pre-crawling age are most appropriate for this class.
Pre-registration required. Registration fee is $35.
Bring a mat & any baby gear you will need.
Location of Well Bellies & Babies:
18905 W 175th Street
Olathe, KS 66062
Contact Stephanie with questions at


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